for KING & COUNTRY have been my favorite band since their “The Proof of Your Love” days. Not only do I love their unique musical sound, but the deep and uplifting messages embedded in the lyrics of their songs.
“God Only Knows”, featured on the band’s newest album “Burn The Ships”, has become poplar across multiple genres of music, not just Christian. The song recently won Song of the Year at the K-LOVE Fan Awards. It’s no wonder this song has gained the attention of artist like Sydney Seirota of Echosmith and Country music legend Dolly Parton, both of whom have recorded remixes of the song.
In a YouTube video, Joel Smallbone says:
“We’ve got our shame. We’ve got our troubles. We’ve got our prejudices within our judgment. God knows your heart and in turn, the flip of that is God also carries this love that is sort of the Superman of all love. We are image bearers so we emulate it but it’s just this wonderful superhuman love that if we really leaned into would be a beautiful thing but so often, we don’t understand because we’re stuck in this human variation of it.”
I am guilty of making assumptions about people during a brief interaction. The thing is, we only see a fragment of someone’s day. We can’t possibly know what bad news from a doctor that person in front of us in line received that morning. Or how they and their spouse are struggling to save their marriage. Or that they just lost their job and are struggling to pay the bills.
Jesus says in Matthew 22:37-39, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
You can’t possibly know what is going on in someone’s heart. Show them the beautiful, selfless love of God.
And to all you out there struggling in silence, know that God knows the storm you’re in. You are not suffering alone. He sees your broken heart. He understands all your pain, and He is calling out to you to find rest in His arms.
God only knows where to find you
God only knows how to break through
God only knows the real you
There’s a kind of love that God only knows