Christians are called to serve others. But what does this look like?
The word serve means “to be of use” and “to be worthy of reliance and trust.” Jesus is the best example of what service truly looks like. Mark 10:45 says, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.”
Christ did not come as an earthly prince, ready to be served and adored by many. Rather, Christ came as a servant of God. He served by healing the bodies and souls of men out of his love for God, and us. He restored the blinds’ sight, gave the lame the ability to walk, and even raised the dead. But his greatest act of service, the act of service he came to accomplish, was the act of redeeming mankind. He died to restore the fellowship between God and man that man’s sin broke. He willfully took on this act of service and gave up his life, all so the debt man had for their sin, would be paid.
So, what does this great act of service mean for us believers?
Jesus calls us to be servants in Mark 10:43-44, which says, “But it is not so among you. On the contrary, whoever wants to become great among you will be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you will be a slave to all.” He continually uses himself as an example of service. In Romans 6:22, Paul says that we “have been set free from sin and become slaves to God,” and the outcome of this slavery is eternal life. Being slaves of God actually frees us to love others and experience eternal life.
One way we can serve God is by loving others, an act that takes many forms. Think about the people you encounter every day. Family, friends, coworkers, classmates, professors, you can love them by simply praying for them. At Cedarville, we repeatedly, and truthfully, hear that it is very hard to hate someone you pray for daily. Praying for someone is a great, God-honoring way to love others. You could also show others love by providing for any physical needs they may have, being around to lend a helping hand, or just being there to listen when they need a friend.
John Piper says that serving God “means to do what he says in a way that makes him look supremely valuable in himself.” And Jesus commanded us to love our neighbor as ourselves. So, love others, not to bring yourself any praise, but out of service to God and to give him all the glory.